The May 50K


The Kiss Goodbye to MS (KGTMS) initiative The May 50K is a virtual fitness and fundraising challenge which is highly interactive and can be completed on your own with minimal risk to others. The challenge is to walk 50km throughout the month of May to raise funds for life-changing research into Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

Research is the KEY to finding a prevention, better treatments and ultimately a cure for MS. This is one of the reasons why I am taking part in the The May 50K once again this year.

It is so important to continue raising funds for vital MS research projects.

There are over 25,600 Australians living with MS and sadly, MS is commonly diagnosed in the prime of life between just 20 - 40 years of age. I received my diagnosis at the age of 31 and it has been a roller coaster ride ever since. I also personally know of many others that have been impacted by this horrible condition. The reality is, MS can affect anyone at any age, it doesn't discriminate.

By supporting my challenge, you are assisting in changing the future of MS.

To support my challenge and be part of the change, you can sponsor me or my amazing team at the following link:

Let’s Kiss Goodbye to MS TOGETHER, every dollar counts!

To learn more about MS and/or my journey, feel free to check out my blog on this website.

Thank you, your support truly means so much.

With much love and gratitude,

Mirella xx


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The Future