Sound Healing


Healing with Audible Sound

(aka Sound Healing, Sound Medicine, Vibrational Medicine, Sound Bath)

I came across healing with audible sound in July 2019 when Oshun Yoga was offering a Sound Healing Journey event. The event was a combination of guided meditation by Kira Ostwald (Oshun Yoga), Sound Healing by Marc and Reiki by Andrew (seventeen universes). I was familiar with meditation however I had never experienced sound healing or reiki so I went along to the event with an open mind. When I arrived at the event, I was feeling quite curious as it was a new experience however I got settled in and tried to just let go. I found the guided meditation relaxed me and I enjoyed listening to the different sounds, finding some sounds to be more pleasant than others. I left this event feeling very surprised, relaxed and very interested in learning more about healing with sound and subtle energy.

I continued to explore healing with audible sound which led me to experience shamanic drumming at The Journey Retreat, the pure tone of the crystal bowl and the relaxing tones of the Koshi chimes every now and then at Lisa Ray’s Yin Yoga classes. I was starting to feel the benefits from these events and classes; some of these sacred sounds relaxed me and some energised me. This is when my interest in Sound Healing peaked!

I followed my heart and enrolled myself into a Level 1: Foundation in Integral Sound Healing course with Sound Healing Academy’s associate teacher Sally Hutchison (Sound Healing Journeys) and I received my certificate of completion in October 2020! YAY! I learnt about sympathetic resonance, brainwave entrainment, frequency following response and balancing the left and right brain hemispheres. I loved every moment of this course as it was holistic and it gave me the opportunity to learn how to play sacred instruments. It also reminded me how much I love to use my voice – the most powerful and healing instrument of all!

At the time of completing my course, Melbourne was in lockdown so I practised what I learnt on my husband and on my beautiful family members virtually. It was such a great way to connect and it was a real heartfelt experience – one we possibly wouldn’t have shared if I didn’t follow my heart. Since then I have had the opportunity to gain more experience one on one in person, experience the amazing and powerful effects of a women’s drumming circle and I have participated in Integral Sound Healing workshops with the Sound Healing Academy:

My wellness journey has led me down this new path, a path I would have never explored as a healing option prior to my diagnosis. I’m not sure where this path will lead however I’m excited that my Level 1 certificate gives me the opportunity to offer healing with audible sound sessions to my family and friends.

And on that note, I am SO EXCITED to share that I will facilitating my very first Sound Bath fundraising event in a space that is very dear to me:

Oshun Yoga located at 20 Gellibrand Crescent, Reservoir, VIC 3073 on Friday, 28th May 2021.

What are the benefits of Sound Healing:

Therapeutic sounds have been used for thousands of years as a non-invasive way to trigger the relaxation response to alleviate symptoms of chronic stress, release suppressed emotions associated with trauma from the past and to harmonise and balance the human bio-field (aura) and chakras (energy wheels).

What to expect at a Sound Bath:

A sound bath is an event where a group of people come together to bathe in sound. The facilitator may use sacred instruments as well as their voice to create and promote a healing and balancing experience. The space where a sound bath is held is set up with Yoga mats, bolsters and blankets. You can lie on your back during a sound bath or sit in a chair. The space is prepared with a ritual which could simply be the lighting of a candle, smudging with Palo Santo, aromatherapy and/or burning incense. A sound bath runs between 40mins to 1 hour.


The May 50K