World MS Day

For me, today is about acknowledging and celebrating my support networks!

Thank you.


To the love of my life, Anthony: for your constant love, for your constant support, for coming along on this ride with me, for always being by my side, for making me so happy, for making me smile, for making me laugh, for listening to me, for lifting me up during challenging times, for giving me strength, for your wisdom, for cooking for me, for making me my favourite paleo pancakes, for trying new recipes, for being open minded, for your strength, for your positiveness, for being caring, for being thoughful, for being my nurse, for all of our adventures, for finding places we can eat at, for always spoiling me, for being amazing, for being you. For everything. I truly appreciate everything that you do for me and I feel so fortunate and grateful to share my life with you. I love you with all my heart.

To my beautiful family: for all your love, for all your support, for coming along on this ride with me, for respecting my choices, for being loyal, for being open minded, for giving me strength, for bringing me joy, for wanting to raise funds when I wasn’t ready to, for cooking for me, for making desserts for me, for making juices for me, for trying new paleo recipes, for always checking what ingredients I can have, for going out of your way to buy organic foods, grass fed meat and wild caught fish, for your wisdom, for your thoughtfulness, for researching places that I can eat at, for never making me feel left out, for spoiling me, for being amazing. For everything. Both Anthony and I feel so grateful and fortunate to have you as our family, we appreciate everything that you do for us. We love you all so very much.

To those whom have been a part of my journey at some point: for your love, for your support, for respecting my wishes, for your loyalty, for being understanding, for offering a listening ear, for never treating me differently, for our conversations, for your wisdom, for being thoughtful, for catering for my dietary requirements, for researching places that I can eat at, for your offerings, for offering your space to hold my fundraiser, for helping me share my story, for catering for my dietary requirements without knowledge of my diagnosis, for being thoughtful, for your kind gifts, for capturing beautiful images, for being wonderful. For everything. I feel so grateful to have you all in my life. I love you all very much.

To my health and wellness team: for your support, for helping me achieve results, for everything you have taught me, for helping me get to where I am today. I feel so grateful to have such an amazing team behind me. You all mean so much to me.

To my amazing May 50K team, the Wellness Warriors: for your love, for your support, for giving me strength, for coming along on this journey with me, for your motivation, for your dedication, for raising funds, for reaching (and exceeding!) your kilometer targets, for reaching your fundraising goals, for your kind gifts. For everything. I really appreciate what each and every one of you do for me. A special mention to my adorable niece and god-daughter, Antonia who completed her May 50K challenge with her scooter and my adorable 5 month old niece, Octavia who completed her 50K challenge in her pram! I love you all so very much.

To those who have joined me on my journey throughout May 2020: for your love, for your support, for reaching out, for your phone calls, for your messages, for your emails, for your social media comments, for your video calls, for sharing your stories with me, for your generous donations towards The May 50K challenge, for sharing our fundraising pages. For everything. I love you all very much.

To me: for loving yourself, for supporting yourself, for believing in yourself, for your courage, for your strength, for your inner power, for accepting yourself, for being flexible, for choosing to look after your body, mind and spirit, for taking control of your health. For being you.

Thank you.


The May 50K


Wellness Journey